Saving Lives. Saving Money.
Fighting for Affordable Prescription Drugs
Americans For Pharma Reform is an organization powered by concerned citizens determined to address the detrimental impact of Big Pharma’s practices. These massive corporations have monopolized the market, priced prescriptions to benefit profits rather than patients, and completely ignored the free-market principles that let them thrive in the first place. We do not believe reforming Big Pharma is punishing success but ensuring that success does not come at the expense of competition, fairness, and the American consumer. As in all businesses, they should focus on competing in a truly free market where competition thrives, innovation is rewarded, and consumers are protected from exploitation.
2024 Prescription Drug Sales / Global
2024 Prescription Drug Sales / USA
Our mission is to hold Big Pharma accountable through advocacy to make prescription drugs affordable.
We are dedicated to exposing and challenging the practices of big pharmaceutical companies, in order to encourage lower costs and better options for patients and consumers.
Prescription drug pricing is out of control, taking more money from the pockets of citizens and putting it into the bank accounts of Big Pharma.
We must continue to expose Big Pharma for what they are - Monopolies that drive prices up, options down, and consumers bankrupt.
Our politicians must remember that they work for the people, not pharmaceutical companies.
Prescription drug pricing is out of control, taking more money from the pockets of citizens and putting it into the bank accounts of Big Pharma.
We must continue to expose Big Pharma for what they are - Monopolies that drive prices up, options down, and consumers bankrupt.
Our Approach to Holding Big Pharma Accountable
By Educating and Activating, we will bring Accountability and Action.
We will drop the curtain and showcase Big Pharma’s influence and actions to raise prescription drug prices.
We will motivate and connect the public with opportunities to take effective action at the local, state and federal level.
We will pressure politicians to represent the people, not Big Pharma.
Benefits of Prescription Drug Reform
Lowering prescription drug pricing will not only save consumers money, but it will save lives.
At, we are compiling information and data to ensure all Americans understand why prescription drug pricing is out of control.
Supporting prescription drug reform helps lower costs and improve access to essential medications.
Sign our petition and join the movement for prescription drug reform.
Holding Big Pharma Accountable In Local Communities
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